Tag: Asset Allocation

Introducing Prescribing Prosperity with John and Alex Soutsos (Ep.1)

Introducing Prescribing Prosperity with John and Alex Soutsos (Ep.1)

As medical professionals, you have dedicated years to healing and caring for others, and now it’s time to focus on securing your financial well-being for a fulfilling and stress-free retirement. 

Welcome to Prescribing Prosperity, with your hosts John and Alex Soutsos from Med-Wealth Financial Services, operating through IPC Securities Corporation.

In this inaugural episode, John and Alex discuss their unique portfolio management approach, their education, and background, and how they can assist high net-worth individuals save for living an enriched retirement.

Join John & Alex as they discuss: 

  • The importance of ongoing financial education for themselves and their clients
  • Their new-age approach to financial planning
  • What you can expect when working with Med-Wealth Financial Services
  • The role of their support staff and how they can enhance your financial journey
  • And more

Connect with Med-Wealth Financial Services: 

Insurance products, such as life and critical illness insurance, are offered exclusively by John Soutsos. For more information on insurance planning, please contact John directly at jsoutsos@ipcsecurities.com or 1-888-568-1170 ext. 1.