Month: May 2024

The Truth Behind Taxation Myths with Kim Moody (Ep. #20)

The Truth Behind Taxation Myths with Kim Moody (Ep. #20)

Did you know that a pinch of tax wisdom and strategic investment could potentially transform your financial landscape?

In this episode, John and Alex Soutsos speak with Kim Moody, founder of Moody’s Private Client, to dissect the layers of Canada’s tax system and its competitiveness on the global stage. From the tales of individual taxpayers to the boardrooms of big corporations, gain unparalleled insights into how tax policies affect not only the wealthy but every Canadian citizen.

John, Alex, and Kim discuss: 

  • What are Canada’s corporate and personal tax rates, and how do they compare globally
  • What is the true narrative surrounding capital gains taxes and to what extent do they affect the average citizen 
  • How do tax policies influence consumer spending, corporate expansion, and international investment
  • What are the psychological and economic consequences of high taxation on Canadians and how does it influence their decisions
  • And more

Connect with Med-Wealth Financial Services: 

Connect with Kim Moody:

About Our Guest: 

The antithesis of the status quo, Kim is driven to innovate new and better ways to do things for the clients he serves, the advancement of the firm, and other professionals in tax. His relentless obsession with knowing everything in the Tax Act makes him a highly sought-out resource for peers and clients. In March 2020, Kim published his first book, Making Life Less Taxing: Pay Attention To Your Taxes So You Can Pay Less Tax and Build a Strong, Smarter Canada – an Amazon bestseller in a number of categories.

The Truth About Canadian Healthcare: Myths, Realities, and the Path to Reform with Shawn Whatley (Ep.19)

The Truth About Canadian Healthcare: Myths, Realities, and the Path to Reform with Shawn Whatley (Ep.19)

Ever considered why Canada’s healthcare system, once lauded as a beacon of universal care, now faces critical scrutiny?

John and Alex Soutsos dive into the depths of this pressing issue with Dr. Sean Watley, a seasoned physician with firsthand experience in the intricacies of healthcare from his tenure as the head of the Ontario Medical Association and a board member of the Canadian Medical Association. 

John, Alex, and Shawn discuss: 

  • The evolution and challenges of Canada’s universal healthcare system.
  • Patient wait times and the impact on healthcare delivery.
  • The role of healthcare management and funding in patient care quality.
  • Dr. Sean Watley’s insights on potential reforms and solutions for improving patient outcomes.
  • And more

Connect with Med-Wealth Financial Services: 

Connect with Shawn Whatley:

About Our Guest: 

Dr. Shawn Whatley is Munk Senior Fellow with the Macdonald-Laurier Institute. Shawn is a

physician and author of the recent book, When Politics Comes Before Patients – Why and how Canadian Medicare is failing. He is also the author of the highly-praised book on how to fix emergency wait times in Canada, No More Lethal Waits. He has extensive experience in healthcare administration and medical politics. He is a past President of the Ontario Medical Association (OMA).