Month: November 2023

Market Crises Part 3 (Ep.8)

Market Crises Part 3 (Ep.8)

Navigating the complexities of today’s investment landscape requires a nuanced understanding of the financial markets, and how they have responded to numerous events throughout history.

Today’s episode undertakes a comprehensive examination of the far-reaching repercussions of global government actions, shedding light on the financial and market impacts arising from a myriad of geopolitical events. From the complexities surrounding the European debt crisis to the persistent political instability in Greece and Italy, and the nuanced economic challenges faced by China, John and Alex provide an in-depth analysis of how these macroeconomic factors influence investment strategies and market behavior.

Part 3 of Market Crises provides insight on:

  • The importance of working with a wealth advisor who can provide perspective and act as a sounding board for their clients during periods of high volatility
  • The consequences of central bank and government interventions in the financial markets
  • How the Global Financial Crisis helped spark the European Debt Crisis 
  • The interconnected relationship of the global economy 
  • And more


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Historical Market Crises Part 2 (Ep.7)

Historical Market Crises Part 2 (Ep.7)

The conversation about historical, influential financial events continues in this second part of “Historical Market Crises” with John & Alex Soutsos!

In this episode, John and Alex discuss some monumental moments in financial history including the Tequila Crisis in Mexico in 1994 and the potential impact of the current Israel-Hamas conflict on the financial markets. 

They also touch on the Asian financial crisis, the failure of Long-Term Capital Management, the dot-com bubble, and the global financial crisis of 2007-2009.

John and Alex discuss: 

  • The Tequila Crisis of Mexico in 1994 – how currency movements impact the financial markets
  • The Asian Financial Crisis and how it impacted hedge funds like Long-Term Capital Management
  • How interest rate manipulation fueled both the Dot Com Bubble and the Global Financial Crisis 
  • The importance of “sticking to the process” as an advisor and an individual investor
  • And more


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